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Our name reflects who we are.

We are Christians who are passionate about the Bible and who relate to one another in love and to others with the compassion of Jesus Christ. A core value has been defined as “a principle, a standard, or quality to which we are committed, that lies at the heart of what we are and defines our identity. These are some of the core values held by the Bible Fellowship Church Executive Board.

1. We Value the Bible

The Bible is our final authority for life and living. It undergirds all that we believe and do. Our doctrine and principles of living, stated in the Faith and Order of the Bible Fellowship Church, express our understanding of the Bible. Therefore, we continue to make sure that our churches conform to the clear teaching of the Bible as expressed in the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church.

2. We Value Worship of God/Fellowship with God

Our purpose is to worship God. Through Christ’s atoning work, we have fellowship with God, allowing us the privilege of bringing glory and praise to God. In prayer, we indicate our dependent relationship and communion with God. Our fellowship with God transforms us so that in daily life we conduct ourselves with Christ-like integrity and love. Therefore, we emphasize these aspects of worship with God within our denomination.

3. We Value Fellowship with God's People

Fellowship with God’s people connects us as the body of Christ. Fellowship is evidenced by developing intentional loving relationships within each church and among the churches. Therefore, we encourage our churches to nurture deeper fellowship within each church and provide opportunities for our churches to meet and minister together.

4. We Value the Church

The Church is the earthly manifestation of the body of Christ. Within a church preaching/teaching are used to make disciples of Jesus Christ. The church functions as an extended family, intentionally strengthening each individual and family unit, while developing servant leaders. Each member is to be involved in ministry, exercising spiritual gifts with excellence. Therefore, we support and assist our churches, which although autonomous are not independent, in accomplishing ministry.

5. We Value the Church's Mission

The Mission of the church is the Great Commission, a commitment to reaching the lost of the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and making disciples of all nations by baptizing and teaching them to obey the commandments of God. Therefore, we support and coordinate the efforts of our churches in making disciples of Jesus Christ both near and far.