The Bible Fellowship Church denomination is
An Expanding Fellowship of Churches United to Make Disciples of Jesus Christ.
There are about 70 Bible Fellowship Churches, mostly in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and New York. We also have congregations in Maryland, Florida, New Mexico, and Mexico. In total, there are about 10,000 BFC worshippers worldwide each Sunday morning. This number is growing through the evangelistic efforts of each local church and through the Church Extension Department, through which new church plants are organized and supported.

What We Believe
- We believe that all people are born sinners, with sin natures that render them worthy of eternal condemnation. By grace alone through faith alone, those who believe receive forgiveness of sin based on Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection.
- We practice believers’ baptism by immersion.
- We hold to a premillennial view of Jesus Christ’s earthly return and reign.
For more details, please see our full doctrinal statement called the Articles of Faith.

Our Church Government
- Our local churches are self-governing through a Board of Elders elected by the congregation. Although autonomous, our churches are not independent.
- Each congregation calls its own pastor(s) with denominational approval. Additional church and ministry staff are chosen by the local church.
- Our churches are connected for accountability, fellowship, and collaborative efforts in ministry. All BFC churches hold to the Articles of Faith, Principles of Order, and Biblical Principles for Living. Once each year, the pastors and delegates from each congregation join together at BFC Conference to make decisions, hear reports, and encourage one another. Collaborative ministry efforts include the BFC Board of Missions, Church Extension Ministries, and Victory Valley Camp.

Our Vision
- We aim to be an expanding fellowship of churches through evangelistic church planting. Church Extension Ministries of the Bible Fellowship Church handles the planning and support for our existing church plants and starts new works.
- We are united to make disciples of Jesus Christ by sharing the gospel in our existing churches and by planting daughter churches and regional daughter churches in areas that need a gospel presence.

For More Information
If you are interested in finding a Bible Fellowship Church in your area, use our church locator search.
If you are interested in becoming a Bible Fellowship Church pastor, more information is available here.