Day of Prayer
“Our Heart’s Desire and Prayer That They Might be Saved” is our 2025 Day of Prayer theme from Romans 10:1 where the Apostle Paul expresses his desire that his own people believe in Christ. We all know people who need to be saved from the divine wrath of God. While God can, and does, use a variety of means to draw people to Himself the primary means are His word and prayer.
The BFC has purposed to set aside one a day a year devoted to denominational-wide prayer. Only one day. Only one day??? Does that sound like an unreasonable thing in light of the eternal destiny of those we know and love? Of course not. So will you commit to being at the 2025 Day of Prayer?
Saturday, March 22nd from 9:00 am – noon. There are two locations for your convenience:
North – Cedar Crest BFC
South – BFC of Newark, DE
Mark your calendar, get the word out to your church, and commit to praying with brothers and sisters in Christ for the salvation of the lost.
Register Now

Register as an individual or as a group by clicking on the registration button. This event is free of charge.
Promotional Materials

Prayer Facilitation and Focus
Do you desire to facilitate a focus on prayer in your ministry context? Contact any Prayer Committee Member from your region or contact Mike Walker at mwalker@faithbfc.org
The committee is especially hoping for an invitation to your Regional Pastors gatherings.

Zoom Prayer Gatherings for Pastors
Pastors and Elders are invited to weekly online prayer gatherings through Zoom. There are two gatherings held per week:
Tuesday, 7:30am-8:00am
Wednesday, 12:00pm-12:30pm
Find out more and get the Zoom link by emailing Pastor Dennis Cahill at denniscahill@pm.me
BFC Prayer Committee Members

Mike Walker
Pastor at Faith BFC, Harleysville

Kevin Kirkpatrick
Terre Hill BFC, Terre Hill, PA

Dan King
Royersford BFC, Royersford, PA

Michelle Sallee
Trinity BFC Blandon

Steve Morton
Elkton BFC, Elkton, MD

Dennis Spinney
Retired Pastor
Harrisburg, PA

Greg Cromeans
Cedar Crest BFC, Allentown, PA

James Reff
Church Planter
Grace Community Church, Chestertown, MD