Pinebrook Educational Foundation Scholarships

Available Scholarship Funds

Berean Bible School Scholarship Endowment Fund
for descendants of Berean Bible School graduates who are attending post-secondary educational institutions

Pinebrook Junior College Scholarship Endowment Fund
for descendants of Pinebrook Junior College alumni who are attending post-secondary educational institutions

Laura M. Didden Memorial Scholarship Fund
for full-time students attending a seminary or other graduate theological institution who are preparing for Christian service as pastors or missionaries

Pinebrook Educational Foundation General Scholarship Endowment Fund
for full-time students attending college or seminary with preference given to members of the Bible Fellowship Church and their children

Pinebrook Educational Foundation Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
for full-time students attending college or seminary with preference given to members of the Bible Fellowship Church and their children; funds derived from gifts in honor or memory of loved ones

Rev. & Mrs. R.C. Reichenbach Scholarship Fund
provides an award of $1,000 annually to a male or female student in college or graduate studies preparing to enter full-time Christian service

Robert Walker International Scholarship Fund
for students from foreign countries who are studying at Christian colleges or seminaries in the United States

Daniel K. Ziegler Memorial Endowment Fund
for ordained ministers in the Bible Fellowship Church who are engaged in advanced study leading to degrees beyond the undergraduate level

Ungerer Memorial Fund
established in memory of Andrew W. Ungerer, provides aid to Christian full-time students attending college or seminary

Weaver Memorial Fund
aid to Christian full-time students attending college or seminary

How to Apply
To request an application for a scholarship
contact Dr. Andrew Crossgrove at
Applications open January 1.
Deadline for completing and submitting all parts of the application is May 1.
The PEF welcomes donations to its General Fund which makes grants from current gifts.
Donations are also encouraged to the various endowment funds, from which the income is used for scholarship grants.
Donations should be made payable to Pinebrook Educational Foundation and sent to:
Bible Fellowship Church
PO Box 3555
Allentown, PA 18106
A receipt will be issued for tax deduction.

How to Give
What is the Pinebrook Educational Foundation?
The Pinebrook Educational Foundation was established by the BFC Annual Conference in October 1994, to continue the ministry of the Pinebrook Junior College and Berean Bible School by providing financial aid
(1) to Christians who are studying at the post-secondary level, and
(2) to Christian educational institutions at this level.
Emphasis and priority is given to students attending Christian institutions and to higher educational endeavors closely related to the Bible Fellowship Church.
In 1949, Berean Bible School was established to train pastors, missionaries and church workers. Berean Bible School changed its name to Pinebrook Junior College in 1969 to reflect the enlarging purpose of the school to not only train pastors, missionaries and church workers, but to also train Christian men and women to use their gifts and interests for the glory of Christ in their particular vocation, both sacred and secular. Rev. Jansen Hartman, president of Berean Bible School and Pinebrook Junior College declared in 1964, “The church must not lose the war being waged on the battle ground of the minds of her children. The Bible Fellowship Church, if it is to remain strong, must maintain a vital Christian educational program for the training of its future leaders.”
Since the Foundation was established, by God’s grace, over $285,550 of scholarships have been awarded, helping over 310 students at more than 67 different colleges and universities. With your help, we hope to continue to help students in their academic pursuits for years to come. The PEF is authorized to solicit funds from a wide range of sources. Donors may give to individual funds which make grants from current gifts, or to endowment funds which seek to insure a continuous stream of income for future grants. The board of the PEF engages a professional investment firm to oversee the investment of these funds.
Director and Board Members

Dr. Andrew Crossgrove

Stephen Cassel

John W. Sullivan

Helen Gemmill

Byron Roth
Board Member

John Hanner
Board Member

Rachel Schmoyer
Board Member